

The pandemic has turned things upside down for some security service company in Dubai in many ways.

There are security services companies whose workforce are already working at near capacity and has been deluged with new requests for security services. On one hand, this is a positive new for many, as security Services Company in the competitive marketplace embrace the new spike in business. But many established company strained due to bare outdoor events festivals and people shying away from the indoor and outdoor activities

It’s extremely challenging, as you see, People who never had security services in there premise now have the need for it. And some of them also have expectations that are kind of excessive.”

For example, one most popular request has been for security guards who are able to conduct COVID-19 screening measures like taking temperatures, asking the people to maintain distance, checking for face mask and gloves, monitoring temperature scanner, checking medical apps and COVID-19 certificates. That’s was a bridge too far security service companies

In these demanding times, it is up to the security services company to ensure that the health and well being of individual security guards and the company is our top priority. “We are making it certain to provide training to our working guard in ground to protect themselves from the population.

Protecting a firm’s workman involves, among other things, making sure the securities will have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies, once they are on site. Officers can also be trained to minimize their own risk of catching COVID-19 by doing things like not actually touching ids and documents when they are checking them and maintaining social distancing.

And not every client is ramping up their security, some companies, such as hotels and other hospitality industry firms, and temporarily closing some facilities, so their security needs are cut back.

In potentially virus-ridden environments, systems like video access control and drone surveillance with video analytics can bolster a security force. Security officers will never be fully replaced—“the human element always has to be part of the overall security program,”—but technology can supplement their efforts.

Finally, for all its tragic qualities, the pandemic has been an opportunity for security officers to shine, as they have juggled health hazards, family responsibilities, and new on-site challenges to succeed in their mission, “It’s been a huge illustration at how dedicated the officers in this industry are.

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