
Common Crane Accidents

Falls and Overturns 

Another frequent reason for crane mishaps is falls and overturns. Overloading, improper loading, and strong wind conditions are common root causes.

Stay within the maximum load capacity recommendations for the lift arrangement to avoid these crane accidents. It is crucial to position the load properly. All loads should be properly centred, and slings should be used to secure them. Use taglines to limit the load’s swing and rotation if necessary.

Inspect the ground at the job site for any unusual circumstances, such as frozen or thawing ground or wet dirt. If necessary, use skidding to distribute ground loads to expand outriggers. To find out the maximum crane load capacity, see the loading chart. Tape the area underneath and around the lift to secure it.

High Wind

In crane accidents and operations, wind can play a significant role. Low wind speeds are always preferred for lifts, even if the maximum current rates permitted to vary depending on the kind and configuration of the crane. Always keep an eye out for any unexpected changes in the weather. Unanticipated wind gusts have been reported to knock cranes over or cause falls.

Stop activities immediately if bad weather is predicted or observed anywhere in the area. Every team member must adhere to the correct procedures during all operational phases and crane setup or disassembly.

The action plan, collaboration, and communication

Crane accidents may be the result of poor communication. To avoid this, ensure all lift team members are aware of their responsibilities and frequently inspect the equipment.

Remember that maintaining safety involves constantly evaluating the surroundings for potential threats and according to established procedures. In all modes, including crane installation and disassembly, this is crucial. The proper steps can and will be taken to save lives. The principles are very significant. Even though every scenario is unique, established practices and standards may be used to identify familiar sources of risk and the protective actions that can reduce them.

Finally, safety is opposed by complacency. A job’s potential risks should be investigated in every detail.

Loader GIF